Other individual characteristics

All people are different in one way or another. We are of different sizes, we have different senses of humor, some of us learn by reading, some have been in a certain job for a long time, some find IT difficult, some are starting to get old, some have an illness, some have poor eyesight, some find sitting difficult, others find reading difficult. These and all possible other things are part of everyday life in the workplace. 

Even according to the Occupational Safety Act, people's personal conditions must be taken into account. People often talk about work capacity limitations, skills and age. When you are young, you are inexperienced. As you age, changes occur in the body and your learning ability slows down. Recognizing other characteristics that cause action is perhaps stranger and requires open discussion and a sensitive ear. It is sad to complain if you can't fit into the chairs at work or are too short to take things off the shelf. Almost no one recognizes how their own history affects why they find a situation in the workplace so stressful. 

Generally speaking, the more accessible a workplace is in various ways, the more people will be able to work without unnecessary problems. Better lighting helps everyone, not just those with impaired vision.