Multicultural work communities

Culture is the common ways of working, characteristics and manifestations of communities. These enliven and unite work communities at their best. 

A multicultural work community is a workplace where employees have different nationalities, ethnic backgrounds and native languages. Such a diverse work community can be an advantage for the workplace when management takes employees from different backgrounds into account. 

What benefits can a multicultural work community bring to the workplace? People from different backgrounds bring new thinking patterns, perspectives and expertise. This can have a positive impact on the workplace's working methods, product development and internationalisation. In addition, if there are people with a foreign background in the work community, multiculturalism can improve customer service and satisfaction. What should be taken into account if the workplace is multicultural? It is a good idea to ensure that superiors have sufficient tools to manage a multicultural work community. 

It is also necessary to ensure that the multicultural nature of the staff is taken into account in occupational health and safety. Use clear and understandable language during induction, and ensure that all employees understand matters related to occupational health and safety. Pay special attention to fairness and equality. Discuss the effects of cultural differences on interaction and work flow. Also support the development of Finnish or Swedish language skills of employees from other cultures. 

A multicultural work community can be a resource that expands language skills, promotes cultural awareness and increases tolerance for all employees, regardless of nationality. 

Read more: 

Multicultural working communities - (only in Finnish)